
Feminist Futures in Troubled Times

Date: 27 - 29 July 2012
Place: University of Winchester
Organisation: Britain and Ireland School of Feminist Theology
Description: There will be a full Programme of Lectures, Dialogues with the Lecturers and Seminars. Seminars will include such topics as:  feminist theology, art and politics, body politics, feminist eschatology, women’s spirituality, feminist theology and Eucharistic community, Jewish/ Christian feminist futures , feminist theology and masculinities, feminist theology and mental health.

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Re-visioning Easter within the Earth Story

Date: 5-8th April, 2012

Place: West Downs Campus

Organisation: Institute for Theological Partnerships

More information here

Gender: an ideology?

Date: 10-11  March 2012
Place: Madrid - Spain (Colegio Mayor Universitario Chaminade)
Organisation: Spanish Women Theologians Association (ATE)

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Africa and Switzerland: Women in Processes of Religious and Secular Transformation

Date: 14.10.2011

Place: mission 21, Missionsstrasse 21, Basel (Switzerland)

Organisation: joint venture between mission 21 and the Centre for African Studies at the University of Basel

Description: This conference provides a forum for the roles and positions of women in church and society in African nation states to be analysed and discussed primarily from a women’s and gender perspective. The first main objective is to foster awareness and distinct perceptions relating to processes of social transformation. The second key aim is to bring together academics, practitioners and interested individuals both from African countries, Switzerland and Germany to share topicrelated ideas, problems, experiences and prospects for future collaboration.

More information: da/veranstaltungen-mission-21/ veranstaltungen-von-mission- 21/archive/2011/Mai/article/ africa-conference/

"Let's think about sex": Obsessions of the modern Catholic sexual morality, "good" sex

Date: 5 - 6 October 2011

Place: Frankfurt am Main

Description: Think about sex. That is the task of this conference.

More information: here

Religions and Masculinities en Las Américas

Date: 29.09.2011 and 30.09.2011

Place: Torhaus der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Raum S01, Krummer Timpen 3-5, Münster (Germany)

Description :To focus on masculinities inevitably requires taking the relationality of the category gender seriously and conducting an intersectional power analysis wherein religion again is conceptualized as a tremendously important socio-political factor among others. We would like to explore on the one hand the meaning of religion in the construction of masculinities and the impact of masculinity concepts on religion and religious institutions on the other. Considering migration, exchange, and transfer among cultures, ideas, and institutions in twentieth-century Americas – a geographical space, which is both marked by violent imbalances of power as by subtle forms of hegemony – will achieve analytical acuity, if it is guided by questions on the nexus of gender and religion. At the conference, we would like to discuss different approaches, hoping to develop further conceptual ideas.

More information here

"Why is there no Happiness in the East? The Making of European Gender Studies"

A conference at the Department of Gender Studies and the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies

Time: 8-10 September, 2011
Place: Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden

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